Years in the making...
We have spent over 2 years designing, prototyping and testing the StepFresh system! The reason is that we wanted to create a system that can easily retrofit onto your toilet, looks great and that works effortlessley to dispense toilet cleaner evenly around your toilet with each step! It was a long journey but we are confident you will be impressed with the result!

Design Experience...
We have over 12 years experience designing and manufacturing hygiene products, including the Purehold PRO handle - a gel dispensing door handle that automatically dispenses sanatising hand gel onto your hand each time you open the door. For more information visit our sister site - www.purehold.co.uk

UK design and manufacture...
The StepFresh was designed in the UK and is being manufactured in the UK.
It has also been funded from UK investment, making it completely British from start to finish.
Each StepFresh unit is extensively tested to ensure that it is air tight and completely sealed. They are hand built in the UK to the highest quality standard. Due to this, the price is higher than we would like but we think it's worth it for a high quality UK manufactured product that helps UK employment and the wider UK economy.